Ros. Sheet metal workings for textile sector
Textile is one of the most productive and famous sector in Italy: the celebrity of the quality of the italian fabrics is internationally known. There are many excellent companies, both big and international and also small companies, along the whole Italy
How does the sheet metal working fit into the European and Italian textile scenario?
To realize the clothes we wear, there are many different production processes that must be done. For example the working of the wool to produce the spools of wire or the digital printing on textiles or the creation of lace or the creation of security belts and ribbons. It seems strange but during all those workings the sheet metal components fit perfectly.
The resistance and hardness of the metal, let it be an important element for the creation of textile equipments.
Infact, from the smallest article, that must be cared for in every detail to avoid that cotton wires broke, to the biggest external structures on which the complete machine is built on or to the carters that covers all the electronic components for a correct machine working.
Ros srl can satisfy the different needs required to built a machine.
Ros srl can satisfy the different needs required to built a machine. We realize, for example, the basements on which the complete machine is built. The weight of these basements is about 200kgs. The complete production process is involved to realized it: first of all the laser cutting, then the bending, where we use a anthropomorphic robot that guarantee the quality and the safety during the production. Also for the welding process we use an anthropomorphic robot, to guarantee the same quality for all the welding spots and lines. After that, there's the powder coating, that we do inside our plant; and the threading of the holes, that, in this case, are more than 100 so we do also this process with an anthropomorphic robot.
An interesting example of cooperation of departments along the whole process regards the threading of the holes. The threadings, infact, were done at the beginning using the combined maching that did the holes and the threading and then, before the painting, we used to protect all threaded holes that were re-worked after the painting.
After a study we minimize at all the working processes. Now we laser cut the holes and after the painting we do the threads. This study let us reduce the production time and costs, it means a benefit for our customer.
There are many others articles realized by sheet metal workings that are necessary in textile sector. There are many functional parts but also many aesthetics components. To realize all those articles each production department is necessary. Sometimes are the technical requirments necessary, as, for example, the respect of the required tolerances that are necessary to avoid the function of the equipment. Sometimes are important the aesthetics aspects, so we must take care of the smallest detail regarding the surface finishing. Sometimes it is necessary to asssemble more components together, not only sheet metal components, to realize the product required by the customer. Some other times, it is necessary to realize dedicated packaging that can resist during the transport by road but also by sea.