ROS problem solution: training lack in sheet metal workings
Ros has always offered solutions and sheet metal working of first level. Neverthless, to keep this high level of performance Ros must enforce different solutions, one of these is the training of the personell.
One of the reasons we need to activate some courses on sheet metal working topics is that the professional schools usually teach subjects more related to the mechanical works (turning and milling) and there isn't any special focus on sheet metal workings.
To overcome this problem, Ros dediced to start some internal courses focused on sheet metal working and the needs of our company to educate its employees. The lessons that were organized had both external but also internal teachers and the purpose was to integrate the know-how about the sheet metal workings together with the technical drawing interpretation declinined to the specific internal production process and also some lessons had a focus on the lean production method.
Thanks to those courses we do internally, the employees developed an higher conscious about their work and about its requirments and they had the opportunity to developed their knowledge. The complete training course had as a result a performance increase regarding the production and the quality of the produced parts.
The internal courses realized by Ros do not solve the root of the problem: sheet metal working training. To count on professionell employees there should be a kind of sensitise of yong people, at the beginning of their professional sudies. As much as the sheet metal workings are consider a part of the entire mechanical sector, there still are problems in teaching the peculiarty of this kind of work during the professional studies.
The question is very easy: how can be solved this lack of training in sheet metal workings? How can Ros be a part of this improvement? Surely an higher cooperation between companies and professional schools will be helpful to transmitt as much as possible the comprehension of the work and create an awareness about the sheet metal working world.